Scarlet Kisses Page 2
“You remember?” Harry said.
“No.” Robert grinned.
Harry laughed and shook his head.
“Why can’t your mother watch the girls?”
“Why don’t you want me to go to London?” Harry asked.
“I know you hate it.”
“I don’t hate London.” Harry sighed. “I just hate playing nice with the annoying.”
“Then stay here.” Robert waved his hands around the spacious study. The study that had once belonged to Harry’s loving father. He watched as Harry debated with himself whether or not to go to London.
“I have to watch the girls,” he finally announced.
“Do what?” Robert demanded. “Alyssum’s quiet as a mouse and stays with the American girl, who, by the way, has one of the strictest chaperons in the country, while Violet sneaks off to the hostess’s library and reads their books.”
Harry chuckled, knowing everything Robert said about his sisters was true. “I have responsibilities.”
“Fine,” Robert sighed with a shake of his head.
“Stay here,” Robert said. “If it helps, I’ll keep an occasional eye on the girls.”
“No, it doesn’t help.”
“I can be sensible,” Robert said, then muttered under his breath, “Sometimes.”
“I’ll talk to Mother.” Harry sighed.
“You do that.”
Violet gasped, Jaz grinned and Alyssum remained silent.
“No,” Violet said as she stood from her seat and walked to Alyssum.
“It’ll be fun,” Jaz cajoled. “And harmless.”
“Harmless,” Violet spoke in outrage. “She could be ruined if things go wrong.”
“Why would things go wrong?” Jaz asked, and Violet began listing.
Alyssum remained quiet, thinking things over. “It sounds fun,” she eventually said to break Violet’s rant.
“What?” Violet spun around and looked at Alyssum with wide eyes. “You understand the plan, right?”
“And you’re still going to do it?” she almost screamed.
“Shhh,” Jaz shushed her quickly, not wanting her mother to hear.
“I’ll be wearing a mask,” Alyssum said.
“Oh, well, then everything will be fine,” she spoke sarcastically.
“I want to do this,” Alyssum said. Her gaze drifted to Jaz and her excitement rose.
“Liss, you could be caught.”
“I won’t be.”
“What if the man that you kiss recognizes you and tells society? Is it really worth risking your whole future?”
Alyssum remained silent before replying sternly, “He won’t recognize me. Besides who would believe it? Lady Alyssum Rosewood being found in a compromising position with a gentleman?” She arched a brow. “I don’t think so.”
Jaz clapped her hands excitedly. “Oh, I wish I could come to London.”
“Soon,” Violet said. Their brother and mother had both agreed to wait till Jasmine was eighteen until having her come out.
“Two years,” Jaz sighed dreamily.
“I propose a test,” Alyssum said to them. “I will prove that if a rumor spreads people will not believe it.”
“They wouldn’t dare gossip about the Earl of Leighton’s sister,” said Violet.
“It’s strange when you call Harry by his title,” Jaz laughed.
“What is this test?” Violet asked.
“I’ll show you.” Alyssum turned and walked from the room.
Violet strode after her while Jaz hovered in the doorway looking for any signs of her mother. Hesitating only for a moment, she then ran from her room into freedom and followed her sisters downstairs.
As Alyssum stepped off the last stair, she turned and walked over to Harry’s study.
Knocking lightly on the door, she waited until Harry bid her enter.
“Enter,” he called.
Alyssum took one glance at her sisters then opened the door, walked in and shut it behind her.
When the door closed softly, Alyssum knew her sisters would be pressing their ears to the wood.
“Alyssum,” Harry greeted her as he and Robert stood from their chairs.
“I have something I need to tell you,” she said in a serious tone.
“All right,” he replied then looked to Robert. “Do you mind?”
“No,” Alyssum cut in. “I would like him to hear this.”
Robert frowned then, looking to Harry, he shrugged and dropped back into his chair. He watched Harry and Alyssum as he slouched.
“What is it you wanted to say?” Harry asked, still standing.
Alyssum took a deep breath then exhaled. “When Mr. Potting was here earlier…I kissed him.”
Harry stared at her in silence. And Robert… He burst into laughter. At Harry’s murderous glare, he covered it by coughing and thumping his chest with his fist.
“Alyssum.” Harry sighed. “I know you want to get married, but trapping a man with a lie is not the right thing.”
Even though she had gotten the results she was looking for, she blushed brightly in embarrassment. “I’m sorry,” she apologized. “It won’t happen again.” She turned quickly and left the room.
Standing outside Harry’s study, Alyssum turned her head to the side and looked at her sisters. They both stood with wide, excited eyes.
“Well?” she whispered.
“The plan will work,” Violet announced, shocked.
“Of course it will.” Jaz bounced on her feet, hardly containing her excitement.
Alyssum beamed. She could hardly wait.
“Mother,” Harry greeted his mother from the doorway of the countess’ pink private parlor.
“Harry.” She smiled happily. “Come in.”
Walking into the room filled with pink, Harry tried not to cringe as he sat on the light pink settee.
“I wish to speak to you about this year’s season.”
“Go ahead, sweetheart.”
Even at twenty-eight, Harry couldn’t help but blush at the endearment. Clearing his throat, he looked at his mother. “Will you be able to chaperon the girls?”
“Of course,” she replied cheerfully.
“While I stay here?” he finished.
“Oh.” She seemed surprised. “You don’t want to join in on the season?”
Harry wrinkled his nose. Caroline smiled and leaned over to pat his scarred cheek affectionately. “I can handle Violet and Alyssum. The girls are well behaved. Jasmine on the other hand…”
Harry winced and shook his head. “We really need to do something about her.”
“I know, dear. I was thinking the school in Paris?”
Harry raised his eyebrows. “It worked for Alyssum.”
“Alyssum wasn’t this kind of naughty. She threw mud pies at the house and put that fish in your bed, but Jaz…” Caroline trailed off with a sigh.
“Jaz took Father’s death badly,” Harry said quietly. He watched as his mother took a small sip from her teacup. Her hand shook as she placed it back on the saucer. Reaching out, Harry placed his hand over hers. The loss of the late earl had hurt them all. It still hurt, but it had broken his mother’s heart.
“Father died four years ago. We all grieved, but she’s…” Harry shook his head. Nobody knew what ran through Jasmine’s head.
“The school in Paris will do her good.”
“I agree.” He squeezed her hand.
“I will write to them.”
Harry nodded then released her hand and settled back in his seat.
“How is Robert? Still up to no good?” Caroline asked.
“He’s the same.” Harry nodded with a smile. He leaned in and took a small, square sandwich off the plate that sat on the table between them.
“Will he be joining us for dinner?”
Harry nodded as he swallowed his bite of the sandwich. “Last dinner before he heads for London.”
“We will be le
aving the day after,” she informed him. “You will take good care of Jaz.”
“I will.”
“Watch her. Closely.”
Harry smiled at her severe tone. “I will,” he promised.
Chapter Two
“Come along, girls.” The countess waved as she walked ahead of them on the bustling London streets. “We have a lot to acquire before the season begins.”
“Are you still going to do it?” Violet whispered to Alyssum as they walked behind their mother.
Violet sighed. “You can’t be serious, Alyssum.”
Alyssum ignored her and continued following their mother.
“Liss.” Violet grabbed her by the arm with her gloved hand and pulled her to a stop. “You can’t do this. It’s madness.”
“I want to. I’m going to,” Alyssum replied firmly, her head lowered, bonnet shielding her face from onlookers. “I need your help, Vi,” she whispered desperately.
Violet grumbled then let Alyssum’s arm go. “All right. But if you get caught, I had nothing to do with this.”
Alyssum nodded in agreement.
“Come on, girls. No dilly dallying,” Caroline called back to them.
“Distract Mother while I purchase a dress,” Alyssum whispered as they began walking.
“What color did you choose?”
“Scarlet.” Alyssum smiled happily.
“We’re all going to be ruined.” Violet shook her head.
“Oh, what about this color?” Caroline asked her daughters excitedly as they stood in the dress shop.
“It’s beautiful,” Violet said, looking at the turquoise material. She felt Alyssum tap her back, signaling that it was time. With a deep breath, she stood before her mother, blocking Alyssum from her view. “Perhaps we could ask if they already have a dress made in the color, then we could see what it would look like?”
“Splendid idea. Where did that seamstress run off to?” Caroline looked around. “Where is Alyssum?”
“Oh, she’s probably getting some fresh air. She misses the country already and we’ve only been in London for two days.”
“Poor dear,” Caroline sighed.
“Let us look at more designs. I saw more samples over here.” Violet took hold of her mother’s hand and dragged her away from the front counter.
“Are you sure about this, missy?” the seamstress asked, looking at Alyssum with a stern gaze.
“Positive.” She reached into her reticule and fished out the coins for the scarlet dress that sat in a white box on the counter before her. She had seen the dress on a mannequin near the rear of the shop. It had been waiting for its owner—a courtesan—but with some bribing, Alyssum had persuaded the seamstress to give it to her. Watching the seamstress tie a bow around the box slowly and carefully, Alyssum began fidgeting. She took quick looks around for any sign of Violet or her mother, or anyone familiar.
After the seamstress tied the bow on the box, Alyssum moved to take it. The seamstress didn’t let go of the box.
“This dress was not made for a lady like you,” she said.
Alyssum pulled the box from the woman’s tight grip, handed her the coins and left the shop as quickly as possible.
Once on the street, Alyssum took a deep breath and exhaled. She had done it. She had bought the gown she needed and she hadn’t been caught. She sighed deeply again in victory and prayed the dress fit.
She jumped and spun towards the person that had called. Seeing Viscount Lambert approach, she fidgeted in fear as she held in her arms a daring scarlet gown that no proper lady should ever be caught wearing.
“Jumpy today, are we?” Robert pulled his hat from his head and stood before her. His wicked grin in place as he stared down at her.
“What do you want?” Alyssum asked abruptly.
Robert laughed and shook his head at her sharp tone. She was always like this with him, but it never deterred him. “I saw you and thought I would say hello.”
“Well, hello.” Alyssum shifted on her feet.
“Hello,” he replied.
Alyssum shifted her gaze from his smile and down to his neck. She frowned at his low-hanging cravat. She sighed with irritation. Did the man not know how to tie a straight knot?
Tucking the box under her arm, she grabbed the lapel of his coat with one hand and pulled him down. Robert remained still and allowed her to retie his cravat with a grin on his face the whole time.
“Couldn’t help yourself?” he muttered quietly to her as she finished. He tried to see her deep emerald eyes but her bonnet hid them from him. He found himself disappointed he couldn’t see her eyes.
Alyssum looked up then took a quick step back, placing the proper distance between them.
Robert smiled inwardly when she moved away from him like a skittish mouse. “Where’s your chaperon?” he asked, looking around quieting street.
“Mother and Violet are inside.” As the last words left Alyssum’s mouth Violet and Caroline exited the dress shop with a jingling of the doorbell.
“Robert,” Caroline called happily as she spotted him.
“Countess.” He took her hand and placed a gallant kiss upon her knuckles.
“Rascal.” She laughed.
Robert gave her a wink and turned his gaze to Violet. Violet huffed with such theatrics it made him laugh and she turned her face away and presented him her gloved hand. He took her offered hand and kissed her white glove. After releasing her, he stepped back and looked to the three beautiful women before him.
“Here you are, Alyssum,” Caroline said. “We were looking for you in the store.” Her gaze lowered to the box under her arm. “You purchased a dress?”
“Umm.” Alyssum tightened her grip around the box and looked to Violet for help.
“Robert, are you enjoying London?” Violet distracted them all.
Robert’s brow creased as he noticed Violet taking their attention away from the box in Alyssum’s grip. He shrugged it off, thinking Alyssum had bought some undergarments and was blushing about it.
“I’m enjoying it very much,” he replied.
“I’m sure you’re glad to be making more scandals,” Alyssum muttered under her breath, but they all heard. Robert turned his gaze down to her.
“Alyssum,” Caroline chided her quietly.
“Good afternoon, ladies.” He gave them a small bow then placed his hat back on his head and turned and walked down the street.
“Alyssum, why do you have to be so rude to poor Robert?” Caroline asked.
“Poor,” she sputtered. “The man’s richer than us.”
Caroline huffed and shook her head. “I’ll never understand it. You two used to be best friends.” She walked by Alyssum. “Come, girls, we still have lots to do.”
Violet and Alyssum walked two steps behind her.
“Is that it?” Violet looked to the white square box under Alyssum’s arm.
“Yes,” Alyssum whispered.
“I thought you were going to have it made?”
“I was, but then I saw this on a mannequin near the back of the store and it was perfect.”
“I hope it looks awful on you.”
Alyssum smiled. Tightening her grip on the box, she continued following her mother from shop to shop.
That afternoon, Caroline sat exhausted in the parlor while embroidering. Violet was by the window reading a book of poetry and Alyssum…she was outside in the garden, lying in the grass.
Alyssum stretched her legs with a sigh. She wiggled her bare toes in the grass. Her shoes and stockings were by her side, along with her bonnet and her hair pins. She stretched her arms out, glorying in the feel of the sun against her face. Her long raven locks were spread about her head, the curls sinking into the green grass. Here, with her eyes closed, she could pretend she was back home in the country. She was at peace.
“Careful, you’re going to freckle,” a man’s voice reached her through her haven
. “Apparently, it’s very unbecoming on a woman.”
Alyssum groaned and remained still with her eyes closed. It was a nightmare, that’s all. Robert wasn’t here.
“Alyssum, can you hear me?” he called in a laughing tone. Suddenly the warm sun vanished.
With a tortured groan, she opened her eyes and sat up. She glared at Robert, who stood blocking the sun with his back.
“Why, why are you here?” she demanded.
“Your mother invited me to dinner.”
She sighed and turned her gaze away from him. She pushed her heavy hair back from her face, knowing she must look completely unladylike. She returned her gaze to him as he suddenly sat on the grass beside her. Bright rays of sun warmed her again.
“Ahhh.” Robert sighed as he dropped onto his back and placed his hands behind his head. “This is nice.” He closed his eyes and settled into the grass.
Alyssum looked around the small, secluded garden. She looked to her bare feet then saw her clump of stockings and shoes beside her. She blushed in embarrassment and grabbed them. She shoved her stockings and hairpins in her bonnet then slipped into her shoes.
“Are you ready for the season?” Robert asked as he kept his eyes closed.
Alyssum turned her gaze down to him. “Yes.”
“Ready for Lady Brook’s Masquerade?” he asked with a twitch of his lips.
Alyssum felt her heart leap. He didn’t know her plan. Everything was fine.
“Yes, I acquired my costume today,” she answered calmly.
“What are you going as? Maybe I’ll find you.”
“You won’t find me,” she said.
Robert opened his eyes and gazed up at her. He felt himself grumble in annoyance. Alyssum was a pain in his ass with her stiff, proper demeanor, but did she have to be so beautiful. He practically had to catch his breath every time he was around her. It helped when she would snap at him, then he was too busy thinking of quips to stare at her. But now, with her long midnight hair shining in the sunlight, curling about her shoulders, it was hard to think. The sun made her face glow. She looked like she had just been tumbled thoroughly and was glowing from satisfaction.